With nearly all weddings, I meet the couple beforehand as it’s good for both parties to check the other isn’t a lunatic(!), ask a few questions and get some background on the couple, the wedding, their tastes and preferences. It also stops us being strangers on the day of the wedding so lets me get on with my job and the couple don’t feel that they have a complete stranger hanging around them!
With that said, it’s not always possible to meet a couple so preliminary meetings might be done over Skype or Facetime, which is pretty good as you get a sense of the person and then get to recognise them on the day!
And then there is the last minute booking. Sometimes, couples decide they don’t need a photographer, or professional wedding photography isn’t in their budget or unfortunately have a wedding photographer cancel on them at very late notice.
It’s usually fun to get a last minute request for a wedding as you don’t quite know what you’re going to get or who you’re going to meet. This was the case last week when Nicole & Dean booked me with literally a few hours to spare.
As it turned out, Nicole was a local Melbourne girl before moving to Europe and Dean is from my old stomping ground in north west London and much like me, isn’t a soccer fan! That is pretty unusual where we come from!
So, from knowing nothing about these two, an hour into their married life I knew quite alot about them both and also know the venue where they will be holding their UK wedding – though to be honest, I don’t think I have ever been there sober or in daylight hours!
Although the photo may look like they were in Fiji, the location was a little more local than that, in the very versatile Fitzroy Gardens in Melbourne.
If you do happen to be getting married in Fiji, I’d love to have a chat with you about photographing your wedding!
Click here to chat Fiji with me. Bula!!!!!