Melbourne & Yarra Valley Wedding Photography

Thanks for taking the time to take a look through a selection of our wedding photography from Melbourne, Yarra Valley, Mornington Peninsula, Great Ocean Road, Gippsland and further afield.

There isn’t a specific style or theme to what we have have chosen to put on show - it’s a broad selection of the wedding photography we have shot over the years. They’re the candid, the unplanned, the posed, the unposed, the photo on the way to get THE photo, and a few other random shots thrown in.

You might also like to visit the blog for some recent weddings around Melbourne & the Yarra Valley. If you're wondering how much wedding photography costs, you can access the complete price list here.

Since you’ve read this far, the chances are that you’re somewhat interested, intrigued, amused, confused or just have a question you’d like to ask one of us.  Whichever it is, we'd love to hear from you! 

We're not always not the most traditional wedding photographers, and if you’re looking for something a few notches to the left of traditional, then we might make a good match!

I guess we’ll only know if we meet for a Zoom.

If you dislike Zoom too, 0450 586 561 are the magic numbers.

Prefer email? No problem, drop us a line.
